I’m starting over with this blog (again), probably the 6th iteration I’ve built over the years. Ridiculous, I know, but it’s what you sign up for when you hop on the static site generator bandwagon. Totally worth it, in my mind.

As I touched upon on the homepage, the site was previously running on a custom Hugo theme I built and released. As a result, I couldn’t just modify the core theme without impacting the modest user base, which began to feel restrictive over time. I like to remain nimble and experiment with different styles and configurations.

Moving forward, I want to focus entirely on creating content without any pressure, for no reason other than to share what I’m learning or find interesting with technology and the web.

I simplified the templates and content structure quite a bit:

  • Previously, I had separate templates for posts and projects. I decided to roll those into the same set of templates to reduce maintenance overhead.
  • I got rid of series posts entirely, although I may bring back that feature in the future.
  • Additionally, the arbitrary taxonomy scheme made content organization decisions more difficult. Now, categories classify posts by type (such as tutorial, project, or resource), while tags are reserved for specific topics or technologies of interest.

I’ve also scrubbed most of the existing posts except for a few older ones that I’ll keep around to showcase how the archive page works. I feel like starting fresh with a clean slate is a positive thing. Plus, I dread editing old posts that don’t represent my current skill set.

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