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  • Source Code
  • Tech Stack: Python, Django, Bootstrap, JavaScript
  • Project Type: Personal
  • Year(s) Built: 2019-23

Move the Chains is a web-based (American) football management simulation built with Python, Django, Bootstrap, and Vanilla JS.

Although it’s semi-playable in its current state, a lot of work still needs to be done before a production version can be released.

Currently, you can simulate full seasons but the game results are based on a random coin flip. Game statistics and management functions like trading or free agent signing have also yet to be added.

In its current state, the game is just a simple football matchup engine with a schedule, standings, playoffs, teams, and placeholder players.

The reasoning behind this was to make the game functional as quickly as possible. Once the league operations and management portions of the game are built out to a substantial level, then the simulation engine can be improved incrementally without sacrificing playability.

While the development is currently on hold, I do plan to revisit it in the future as an ongoing passion project when I have the time.


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